sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

Self Assesment

Hi guys! Let me tell you that this is my first time I write a composition in a blog. When I use a blog it is only for coping and pasting information from internet for some homework jeje.
This call center module was totally interesting and the most important thing is that it is useful to know about call center terms and the experience told by people themselves who have got experience on that working there.
Definitively, this course is such as a key to the door of call center opportunity. Once you know a quite part of theory about this area and you are really interested in working there, so you are hired in a call center company. Actually, I had never had an experience like this but I think that working there is a very good option for getting a job.
In order to focus to talk about my experience in this module, I would like to tell you that my first class in this course was, at the beginning, quite confused because I did not have the idea of what Call centers are beyond being companies where employers receive calls. Since the start of the course I learnt a lot in it. The different areas there are into a call center, some people work in an area, others on other and so on. There are agents, receptionists, you can work in in-bound or out-bound calls, there are pacmen (floor walkers), work in a floor support, or in the tech support and more areas that call center has.
Something else that caught my attention was the use of terms that every session the teacher gave us. Every Sunday we got interesting (even at the beginning, lost) words related to call center vocabulary and the teacher always tried to the students not get bored in the class, He used different techniques in every single class that helped us to get the information easily. He mixed up theory, practice and also he shared experience with us in order to get the knowledge easier.
Sincerely, I learnt too much about call centers, vocabulary of it and the environment of how to work there. I assign myself 9 because I consider I learnt the information enough and I liked too much. Thank you so much Carlos Garcia, it was a great pleasure to meet you. Thank you for sharing what you know.

Silvia Jeannette Euceda Medrano.

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